Skewers and Scarves Weblog

pointy sticks, fiber, pets, and sex

eyes shut March 3, 2008

Filed under: Sex — poweroffluff @ 2:47 am


So I’ve noticed that I have much better orgasms if my eyes are shut. Whether I’m by myself or with somebody, the orgasm is a lot more intense and overall better with my eyes closed. I’ve tried it with my eyes open, and it’s completely weak in comparison. What’s up with that?

Questioningly yours,



sexy tunes February 10, 2008

Filed under: Sex — poweroffluff @ 3:30 am
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I just woke up from a nap where I had a great sex dream about Eddie Izzard.

I want to shag this man so badly. And date a transvestite. I think guys in women’s attire is so damn hot.

Look, he even looks pretty sexy in guy’s attire:

I remember at some point in the dream, I was saying “You look hot as a man AND as a woman!”

Hornily yours,



Mmm…. lazy. February 3, 2008

Filed under: Sex,Socks,Spinning — wayoffiber @ 5:44 pm


I had the most fabulous, lazy day yesterday. After sleeping all snuggled into a bed with two lovely ladies (on the outside, fortunately — warm, but not too hot), I spent a good portion of it lazing around on the same bed with the same two lovely ladies. Wooot! My sweetie wasn’t feeling quite herself, so her dear wifey and I got the chance to chatter a lot and there was more collective snugglage than there would have been, had aforementioned sweetie been up for beating and fucking. Mmmm… fucking…

Unfortunately, I discovered that reaching orgasm while not-breathy is not-easy. Fuck you, asthma, and the horse you rode in on. Stay out of my sex life!!

On a more serious note, I find lots of thoughts about monogamy, non-monogamy, polyamory, commitment, and general issues of life plan fluttering about my head a lot these past few days. It couldn’t have felt more natural for sweetie to play lazily with my pubes while I lay half atop her and her dear wifey was lounging next to us. Something tells me this is not the way people usually feel about these things. It’s like my girlfriend leaving and the process around it broke me open to new experiences, new ways of being, rather than just breaking me. These same thoughts are trying to weave into thoughts of spiritual aloneness and community — there are thoughtfishies swimming around in there, just waiting to come together into some kind of new discovery or epiphany. I can feel it, but I don’t know where it’s going quite yet…

Oh, and I have four skeins of handspun hanging to dry in my bathroom at the moment. My favorite is wool/alpaca in a whole range of swirly, grey, and earthy tones. I wonder if it’s enough to make toe-up anklets — the texture seems right for it.

This one made me think of my lawyer-sweetie.  There’s black and white (traditional colors of Justice), but on closer examination, there’s actually bits of color and the black is really grey… like life.  And, in real life, Justice.  I know.  Totally geeky.  The grey strand is wool/suri alpaca and the white strand is wool/bamboo/silk noil.  Also totally geeky.

Justice yarn.

There’s also some red yarn, but the pic turned out crap.  And there’s some linen,

Wet spun linen

which made me want to poke my eye out and sleep for a hundred years.   Maybe that’s what Aurora was doing – trying to spin flax?

More on how to spin flax soon — because the advice I found online was either crap or nonexistent.

— Skewers